CBSEM using #SmartPLS4 | 6 | Basic CFA Model with SmartPLS

Collection of links to educational videos on the PLS-SEM method and the application of the SmartPLS software.
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Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:50 am
Real name and title: Dr. Khawaja Fawad Latif

CBSEM using #SmartPLS4 | 6 | Basic CFA Model with SmartPLS

Post by fawad.latif »

CBSEM using #SmartPLS4 | 6 | Basic CFA Model with SmartPLS

As part of the series on CB-SEM using SmartPLS4, the focus of the session is to design a basic model in SmartPLS and develop a basic understanding of factor loadings and assess the model fit statistics. The session discusses in detail the concept of factor loadings, the threshold, the concept of fit statistics, the common fit statistics, interpreting the fit statistics, and the threshold of fit statistics.

#Research #CBSEM #ModelFit
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