NaN values in outerloadings of single indicator construct categorical variable.

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NaN values in outerloadings of single indicator construct categorical variable.

Post by amrkuls »

I have a sample size of 160. I am putting age being a continuous variable in my study as a moderator. After running normal PLS algorithm i am getting 1.000 in outerloading for Age. But after bootstrapping, I am getting NaN value in the outerloading of age. Can someone explain the reason and suggest what should i do to get no NaN value.
This is happening for all my categorical variables used as single indicator constructs.
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Re: NaN values in outerloadings of single indicator construct categorical variable.

Post by jmbecker »

Yes. Single indicator construct have a fixed weight and loading of 1. Thus, there is no variance and therefore also no t or p-values to calculate. The t and p-value are just not defined and therefore reporting them is also not meaningful.

We have updated this in the recent version of SmartPLS to better reflect this case.
Dr. Jan-Michael Becker, BI Norwegian Business School, SmartPLS Developer
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