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Low loading + insufficient indicator reliability + high composite reliability

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 10:43 pm
by milesprien
Hello everyone,

I am currently writing my thesis and I am having issues with the data analysis in SmartPLS. There’s this one construct with an indicator that has a low loading of 0.514 and insufficient indicator reliability of 0.264. The overall construct has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.934, a composite reliability of 0.952, and AVE of 0.772.

I deleted the indicator with a low loading and insufficient indicator reliability and the composite reliability increases to 0.974, which is far above 0.95 and it could indicate issues with redundancy or straight-liners if I understood correctly.

I am not quite sure what to do now. Deletion leads to a composite reliability that is quite high, but keeping the indicator is also not an option I assume. A loading of 0.514 would still be acceptable I think as it is larger than 0.50. However, the indicator reliability is very low and smaller than 0.40.

Also, if the issue would have been caused by straight-liners, is there even a way to solve this?

I have limited time and have to hurry, what should I do so I could proceed data analysis?

Help would be very much appreciated!