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Assessing and validating formative indicators in SmartPLS

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:22 pm
by DrAyoub
This video focuses on assessing and validating formative indicators in formative measurement models using smartPLS.
This video presents a detailed explanation about validating formative indicators in formative measurement models for SmartPLS structural equation modeling. It starts with an introduction about the formative and reflective indicators and how they can be compared. Further, the presentation discusses two steps in the validation process for formative indicators. The first step addresses checking for collinearity issues using the VIF (Variance Inflation Factors in SmartPLS). If VIF is equal or below zero, then, no issues with collinearity and we move to step two. In the second step, we check for outer weights and their significance. If they are not significant, then, we can resort to checking for loadings. If loadings fall above 0.7 and significant, then, we have no issue. We can keep the formative indicators and proceed with our model assessment.

The videos explains both steps and provides an application of both steps using SmartPLS.

In the final step, we provide a detailed explanation on how to report the results using an excel sheet.

Youtube Video Link:

Abdul Ayoub, PhD