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Calculating the Effect Size in the Structural Model Assessment Using SmartPLS

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 8:53 pm
by DrAyoub
Calculating the Effect Size in the Structural Model Assessment Using SmartPLS (Step 4 in the structural model assessment)
This video provides you with all details about step #5 in the structural model assessment. Fsquare or the effect size measure that helps you to detect the variation in the impact between the exogenous variables/constructs in relation with the endogenous variable/construct in the structural equation model. Through omission, you would be able to understand and measure the variation of this impact and thus, you would understand how much impact would a variable cause in comparison with another independent variable in the model.
This is the fourth step in our structural model assessment procedures in this SmartPLS video series for Quantitative data analysis.
The effect size is one important measure as it leads you to specific details and understanding of the impact of each variable individually.

Video link:

Dr. Ayoub