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Bootstraping Samples

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 10:44 am
by WaqasAli1125
what is the meaning of ATTR->COMP and what is the formula to calculate. This is beta values or something else?

Re: Bootstraping Samples

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:48 am
by jmbecker
ATTR->COMP means the inner model relationship between ATTR (Attractiveness) and COMP (Competence) in the corporate reputation model. What is shown depends on the report you are looking at (which you have cut out). But assuming that you are in the "Path Coefficient" report, these are the path coefficients for each bootstrap sample. Path coefficients are multivariate regression weights of the inner model regressions between the latent variables.
But you also find these reports for other parameters, like total effects or f² effect sizes.