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Formative PLS Model

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:13 pm
by LcsHnz
I have some questions regarding the "design" of my formative model in SmartPLS.

I have 2 dependent variables "employee motivation total" (scale from 1=very motivated, to 6=not motivated at all) and "employee motivation multi (same scale)+ 12 latent independent variables which are the "determinants of employee motivation" (every latent variable has 2-4 indicators which measure the LV formatively). 

I) When i want to include the "moderating effect" of the generation (4 dummies = baby boomers, genX, genY, genZ) into the model to evaluate if the generation has a significant effect on employee motivation - do i have to include 3 latent variables for each dummy (not 4 because one is the reference) and analyze if there is a significant influence via bootstrapping?

II) I also have some variables on the importance of each determinant (scale from 1=very important to 6=not important at all). E.g. if someone doesn't care about his salary at all, then it doesn't really matter if the salary situation is good/bad and the influence of salary on the motivation should be valued as lower in comparison to someone to whom the salary is very important. Is it possible to generate a "mediating effect" to include that the importance of the determinants effects how the current state regarding this determinant (measured in the respective LV) effects the motivation?