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The effect of indicators of lV on DV?!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 7:14 am
by katarina86
Hello everyone,

I have tested the model using SmartPLS 3 and I recently got the review from the journal. Besides other variables in the model, I have a latent variable (A) that is composed of three reflective indicators (a1,a2,a3). I have tested the effect of a latent variable (A) on the dependent variable (C). The dependent variable is a higher-order construct. One of the reviewers asked to comment which indicator (a1,a2 or a3) has the most important role in the relationship between A and C. I have explained in my paper the effect of A to C and the implications of that effect, but the reviewer wants me to comment and explain which of the indicators of A contribute the most to the increase of C.

Is there a way I can test that? Or at least give a satisfactory answer... I don't see a way since the latent variable (A) is unobservable and it is just measured through the reflective indicators (a1, a2, a3). How can I test separately the effect of a1, a2 or a3 on DV rather than create a new model... I'm really confused... The reviewer did not asked to create a new model, just to give explanation based on the results I've already presented.


Re: The effect of indicators of lV on DV?!

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 7:57 am
by MFW

what about running an Importance-Performance-Map Analysis (IPMA)? I think, with that you will be able to see the effect sizes (=importance) of each item (and if you want also your constructs) on your DV. Furthermore, you will be able to see how respondents are currently performing. It could be that one item/construct is very important in terms of effect sizes, but people score low on this item.
