second order verification

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second order verification

Post by mirgonza »

I'm a beginner user of PLS. I have a type II 2nd order model ( reflective 1st order, formative 2nd order). I have 6 1st LV and only a construct that acts as moderator in the second order. Before reading nearly all the related posts, I finally have solved my model in this two ways:

1. Repeated indicators. I repeat all my indicators in the second order construct in a formative way. Now I have 6 1st LVs with reflective indicators, and a formative 2nd order construct with all that indicators in a formative way.

2. Two stages. I eliminate the first order constructs by using their factor scores as formative indicators for the higher order construct.

The results in both ways are ok, but I don't know if all the proccess is ok (mainly the formative/reflective relations on the first solution).

I will thank you very much if you can help me to know if my solutions are the correct ones.