- Methodological Uncertainty: Sarstedt, M./ Adler, S.J./ Ringle, C.M./ Cho, G./ Diamantopoulos, A./ Hwang, H./ Liengaard, B.D.: Same Model, Same Data, But Different Outcomes: Evaluating the Impact of Method Choices in Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Product Innovation Management, forthcoming.
- Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling: Rigdon, E.E.: Understanding Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling Methods From the Perspective of Regression Component Analysis, Multivariate Behavioral Research, forthcoming.
- PLS-SEM in logistics and supply chain management: Wang, S./ Cheah, J.-H./ Wong, C. Y./ Ramayah, T.: Progress in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Use in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the Last Decade: A Structured Literature Review, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, forthcoming.
- cIPMA in SmartPLS:Sarstedt, M./ Richter, N.F./ Hauff, S./ Ringle, C.M.: Combined Importance–performance Map Analysis (cIPMA) in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS–SEM): A SmartPLS 4 Tutorial. Journal of Marketing Analytics, forthcoming.
- Moving PLS-SEM forward: Hair, J.F./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M./ Sharma, P.N./ Liengaard, B.D.: Going Beyond the Untold Facts in PLS–SEM and Moving Forward. European Journal of Marketing, Volume 58 (2024), Issue 13, pp. 81-106.
- Shortcomings of equal weights: Hair, J.F./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M./ Sharma, P.N./ Liengaard, B.D.: The Shortcomings of Equal Weights Estimation and the Composite Equivalence Index in PLS-SEM. European Journal of Marketing, Volume 58 (2024), Issue 13, pp. 30-55.
- PLS-SEM and missing data: Amusa, L.B./ Hossana, T. An Empirical Comparison of Some Missing Sata Treatments in PLS-SEM, PLOS ONE, Volume 19 (2024), Issue 1, e0297037.
- Uncertainty and mediation: Sarstedt, M./ Moisescu, O.-I. Quantifying Uncertainty in PLS-SEM-based Mediation Analyses, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 87-96.
- Review of the advanced PLS-SEM book (2e): Gironda, J.T. Review of Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Second Edition), Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 108-109.
- NCA, PLS-SEM, and IPMA in combination: Hauff, S./ Richter, N.F./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Importance and Performance in PLS-SEM and NCA: Introducing the Combined Importance-Performance Map Analysis (cIPMA), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 78 (2024), 103723.
- Review of PLS-SEM studies in quality management: Magno, F./ Cassia, F./ Ringle, C.M.: A Brief Review of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Use in Quality Management Studies, The TQM Journal, Volume 36 (2024), Issue 5, pp. 1242-1251.
- SmartPLS 4 software review article: Cheah, J.-H./ Magno, F./ Cassia, F.: Reviewing the SmartPLS 4 Software: The Latest Features and Enhancements, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Volume 12 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 97-107.
- Mixed methods and PLS-SEM: Kurtaliqi, F./ Lancelot Miltgen, C./ Viglia, G./ Pantin-Sohier, G.: Using Advanced Mixed Methods Approaches: Combining PLS-SEM and Qualitative Studies, Journal of Business Research, Volume 172 (2024), pp. 114464.
- Measurement invariance assessment: Liengaard, B.D.: Measurement Invariance Testing in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Business Research, Volume 177 (2024), pp. 114581.
- PLS-SEM robustness checks: Vaithilingam, S./ Ong, C.S./ Moisescu, O.I./ Nair, M.S.: Robustness Checks in PLS-SEM: A Review of Recent Practices and Recommendations for Future Applications in Business Research, Journal of Business Research, 173 (2024), pp. 114465.
- A permutation-based MGA approach for longitudinal data in PLS-SEM: Söllner, M./ Mishra, A.N./ Becker, J.-M./ Leimeister, J.M.: Use IT Again? Dynamic Roles of Habit, Intention and Their Interaction on Continued System Use by Individuals in Utilitarian, Volitional Contexts, European Journal of Information Systems, Volume 33 (2024), Issue 1, pp. 80-96.
- On the use of PLS-SEM in research articles: Petter, S./ Hadavi, Y.: Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling Within and Across Business Disciplines. In Latan, H./ Hair, J.F./ Noonan, R. (Eds.), Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications (pp. 55-79). Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- NCA in SmartPLS: Richter, N.F./ Hauff, S./ Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Kolev, A.E./ Schubring, S.: How to Apply Necessary Condition Analysis in PLS-SEM. In Latan, H./ Hair, J.F./ Noonan, R. (Eds.), Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications (pp. 267-297). Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- Insightful arguments for the use of PLS-SEM: Cook, D.R./ Forzani, L.: On the Role of Partial Least Squares in Path Analysis for the Social Sciences, Journal of Business Research, Volume 167 (2023), p. 114132.
- Weighted composites vs. CB-SEM: Deng, L./ Yuan, K.-H.: Which Method is More Powerful in Testing the Relationship of Theoretical Constructs? A Meta Comparison of Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis with Weighted Composites, Behavior Research Methods, Volume 76 (2023), Issue 3, pp. 646-678.
- PLS-SEM and open science: Adler, S.J./ Sharma, P.N./ Radomir, L.: Toward Open Science in PLS-SEM: Assessing the State of the Art and Future Perspectives, Journal of Business Research, Volume 169 (2023), pp. 114291.
- PLS-SEM and machine learning: Richter, N.F./ Tudoran, A.A.: Elevating Theoretical Insight and Predictive Accuracy in Business Research: Combining PLS-SEM and Selected Machine Learning Algorithms, Journal of Business Research, 173 (2024), pp. 114453.
- On the use of PLS-SEM in business marketing research: Guenther, P./ Guenther, M./ Ringle, C. M./ Zaefarian, G./ Cartwright, S.: Improving PLS-SEM Use for Business Marketing Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 111 (2023), pp. 127-142.
- Predictive power assessment in PLS-SEM: Sharma, P.N./ Liengaard, B.D./ Hair, J.F./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Predictive Model Assessment and Selection in Composite-based Modeling Using PLS-SEM: Extensions and Guidelines for Using CVPAT, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57 (2023), Issue 6, pp. 1662-1677.
- The legendary silver bullet: Sarstedt, M./ Hair, J.F./ Ringle, C.M.: "PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet" – Retrospective observations and recent advances, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Volume 31 (2023), Issue , pp. 261-275.
- On the usefulness of PLS-SEM: Russo, D./ Stol, K.-J.: Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater: Comments on “Recent Developments in PLS”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 52 (2023), pp. 700-704.
- Extraordinary claims: Sharma, P.N./ Liengaard, B.D./ Sarstedt, M./ Hair, J.F./ Ringle, C.M.: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence: A Comment on “the Recent Developments in PLS”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 52 (2023), pp. 739-742.
- Most wanted PLS-SEM guidelines: Becker, J.-M./ Cheah, J.H./ Gholamzade, R./ Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M.: PLS-SEM’s Most Wanted Guidance, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 35 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 321-346.
- Predictive power of components: Cho, G./ Lee, J./ Hwang, H./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: A Comparative Study of the Predictive Power of Component-based Approaches to Structural Equation Modeling, European Journal of Marketing, Volume 57 (2023), Issue 6, pp. 1641-1661.
- On the use of PLS-SEM and HTMT update: Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Sinkovics, N./ Sinkovics, R.R.: A Perspective on Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling in Data Articles, Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109074.
- New corporate reputation model data: Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M./ Iuklanov, D.: Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Reputation: A Dataset, Data in Brief, Vol. 48 (2023), p. 109079.
- American customer satisfaction index (ACSI) model data: Morgeson, F.V./ Hult, G.T.M./ Sharma, U./ Fornell, C.: The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): A Sample Dataset and Description, Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109123.
- Extended TAM data: Richter, N.F./ Hauff, S./ Kolev, A.E./ Schubring, S.: Dataset On An Extended Technology Acceptance Model: A Combined Application of PLS-SEM and NCA, Data in Brief, Volume 48 (2023), p. 109190.
- PLS-SEM and prediction solutions: Legate, A.E./ Hair, J.F./ Chretien, J.L./ Risher, J.J.: PLS-SEM: Prediction-oriented solutions for HRD researchers, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Volume 34 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 91-109.
- PLS-SEM in hospitality and tourism research: Liu, Y./ Ting, H./ Ringle, C.: Appreciation to and Behavior Intention Regarding Upscale Ethnic Restaurants, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Volume 47 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 235–256.
- Review of PLS-SEM applications in marketing studies: Sarstedt, M./ Hair, J.F./ Pick, M./ Liengaard, B.D./ Radomir, L./ Ringle, C.M.: Progress in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Use in Marketing Research in the Last Decade, Psychology & Marketing, Volume 39 (2022), Issue 5, pp. 1035-1064.
- PLS-SEM and NCA: Duarte, P./ Silva, S.C./ Linardi, M.A./ Novais, B.: Understanding the Implementation of Retail Self-service Check-out Technologies Using Necessary Condition Analysis, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Volume 50 (2022), Issue 13, pp. 140-163.
- PLS-SEM in international management research: Richter, N.F./ Hauff, S./ Ringle, C.M./ Gudergan, S.P.: The Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Complementary Methods in International Management Research, Management International Review, Volume 62 (2022), pp. 449-470.
- PLS-SEM use in education research: Hair, J.F./ Alamer, A.: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in Second Language and Education Research: Guidelines Using an Applied Example, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Volume 1 (2022), Issue 3, 100027.
- Nonlinear relationships: Basco, R./ Hair, J.F., Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M.: Advancing Family Business Research Through Modeling Nonlinear Relationships: Comparing PLS-SEM and Multiple Regression, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Volume 13 (2022), Issue 3, 100457.
- Top-journal PLS-SEM application: Rahman, S.M./ Carlson, J./ Gudergan, S./ Wetzels, M./ Grewal, D.: Perceived Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX): Concept, measurement, and impact, Journal of Retailing, Volume 98 (2022), Issue 4, pp. 611-632. _The web appendix shows how to report SmartPLS results_
- Search for the best model: Cho, G./ Hwang, H./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: A Prediction-Oriented Specification Search Algorithm for Generalized Structured Component Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 29 (2022), Issue 2, pp. 229-240.
- Model fit: Cho, G./ Schlägel, C./ Hwang, H./ Choi, Y./ Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M.: Integrated Generalized Structured Component Analysis: On the Use of Model Fit Criteria in International Management Research, Management International Review, Volume 62 (2022), pp. 569–609.
- On the importance of prediction: Sarstedt, M./ Danks, N.P.: Prediction in HRM Research: A Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality, Human Resource Management Journal, Volume 32 (2022), Issue 2, pp. 485-513.
- PLS-SEM in Sports Management: Cepeda-Carrión, G./ Hair, J.F./ Ringle, C.M./ Roldán, J.L./ García-Fernández, J.: Guest Editorial: Sports Management Research Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Volume 23 (2022), Issue 2, pp. 229-240.
- Endogeneity and Gaussian copula: Becker, J.-M./ Proksch, D./ Ringle, C.M.:. Revisiting Gaussian Copulas to Handle Endogenous Regressors, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Volume 50 (2022), pp. 46-66.
- Uncovering unobserved heterogeneity: Sarstedt, M./ Radomir, L./ Moisescu, O.I./ Ringle, C.M.: Latent Class Analysis in PLS-SEM: A Review and Recommendations for Future Applications, Journal of Business Research, Volume 138 (2022), pp. 398-407.
- The power of PLS-SEM: Petter, S./ Hadavi, Y.: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Use of Partial Least Squares in Information Systems Research, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Volume 52 (2021), pp. 10-23.
- Mediation and prediction: Danks, N.: The Piggy in the Middle: The Role of Mediators in PLS-SEM-based Prediction, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Volume 52 (2021), pp. 24-42.
- Conditional mediation analysis: Cheah, J.H./ Nitzl, C./ Roldán, J.L./ Cepeda Carrión, G./ Gudergan, S.P.: A Primer on the Conditional Mediation Analysis in PLS-SEM, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Volume 52 (2021), pp. 43-100.
- Reflections on PLS-SEM: Hair, J.F.: Reflections on SEM: An Introspective, Idiosyncratic Journey to Composite-based Structural Equation Modeling, ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, Volume 52 (2021), pp. 101-113.
- New PLS-SEM handbook article: Sarstedt, M./ Ringle, C.M./ Hair, J.F.: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. In Homburg, C./ Klarmann, M./ Vomberg, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Market Research. Cham: Springer, 2021.
- PLS-SEM comparison: Yuan, K.-H./ Deng, L.: Equivalence of Partial-Least-Squares SEM and the Methods of Factor-Score Regression, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 28 (2021), Issue 4, pp. 557-571.
- Update on PLS-SEM: Hair, J.F./ Binz Astrachan, C./ Moisescu, O.I./ Radomir, L./ Sarstedt, M./ Vaithilingam, S./ Ringle, C.M.: Executing and Interpreting Applications of PLS-SEM: Updates for Family Business Researchers, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Volume 12 (2021), Issue 3, 100392.
- PLS-SEM and fsQCA: Rasoolimanesh, S.M./ Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Olya, H.: The Combined Use of Symmetric and Asymmetric Approaches: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 33 (2021), Issue 5, pp. 1571-1592.
- PLS-SEM "how to" in entrepreneurship: Manley, S.C./ Hair, J.F./ Williams, R.I./ McDowell, W.C.: Essential New PLS-SEM Analysis Methods for Your Entrepreneurship Analytical Toolbox, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Volume 17 (2021), pp. 1805-1825.
- Weighted PLS-SEM (WPLS): Cheah, J.-H./ Roldán, J. L./ Ciavolino, E./ Ting, H./ Ramayah, T.: Sampling Weight Adjustments in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: Guidelines and Illustrations, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Volume 32 (2021), Issue 13-14, pp. 1594-1613.
- Predictive model selection test: Liengaard, B./ Sharma, P N./ Hult, G.T.M./ Jensen, M.B./ Sarstedt, M./ Hair, J.F./ Ringle, C.M.: Prediction: Coveted, Yet Forsaken? Introducing a Cross-validated Predictive Ability Test in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, Decision Sciences, Volume 53 (2021), Issue 2, pp. 362-392.
- Predictive model selection: Sharma, P.N./ Shmueli, G./ Sarstedt, M./ Danks, N./ Ray, S.: Prediction-oriented Model Selection in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling, Decision Sciences, Voume 52 (2021), Issue 3, pp. 567-607.
- PLS-SEM software review: Memon, M.A./ Ramayah, T./ Cheah, J.-H./ Ting, H./ Chuah, F./ Cham, T.H.: PLS-SEM Statistical Program: A Review, Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, Volume 5 (2021), Issue 1, pp. i-xiii.
- Higher-order models: Crocetta, C./ Antonucci, L./ Cataldo, R./ Galasso, R./ Grassia, M.G./ Lauro, C.N./ Marino, M.: Higher-order PLS-PM Approach for Different Types of Constructs, Social Indicators Research, Volume 154 (2021), Issue 2, pp. 725-754.
- PLS-SEM and fsQCA: Rasoolimanesh, S.M./ Ringle, C.M./ Sarstedt, M./ Olya, H.: The Combined Use of Symmetric and Asymmetric Approaches: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 33 (2021), Issue 5, pp. 1571-1592.
- PLS-SEM in software engineering: Russo, D./ & Stol, K.-J.: PLS-SEM for Software Engineering Research: An introduction and Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 54 (2021), Issue 4, pp. 1-38.
- Mediation analysis: Rasoolimanesh, S.M./ Wang, M./ Roldán, J.L./ Kunasekaran, P.: Are We in Right Path for Mediation Analysis? Reviewing the Literature and Proposing Robust Guidelines, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 48 (2021), pp. 395-405.