f2 is greater than 1

Questions about the implementation and application of the PLS-SEM method, that are not related to the usage of the SmartPLS software.
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f2 is greater than 1

Post by nadja-mazh »

I need help with my PLS model to.

All quality criteria of it are actually met, but the effect size (f2) of my exogenous variables is greater than 1.

I have 3 IV and 2 DV: A->D, B->D, C->D; A->E, B->E, C->E

What do means an effect size greater than 1? Where I made a mistake?

I'm confused and don't know how to proceed further ...

Thank you very much.

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Post by christian.nitzl »

Your results should not disturb you. There is no such thing for the effect size that it should be smaller than 1. A higher effect size than 1 means that your exogenous variable has a very big effect on your endogenous variable.


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Post by nadja-mazh »

Hey Christian and all,

thank you very much!

Could you perhaps recommend a pair of references to the topic, which I can mention in my diploma thesis ...

thank you!

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Post by christian.nitzl »

Hey Nadja,

The typical references for effect size are:

Chin, W. (1998): Issues and Opinion on Structural Equation Modeling, in: ManagementInformation Systems Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 1, p. 317.

Cohen, J. (1988): Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition,
Hillsdale, p. 413.

Some further nice information for the effect size you can also find in my working paper (only German) on pp. 34 f.:

https://www.unibw.de/ifc/team/wimi/nitz ... load/down1


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Post by MBauch »

Dear christian!

I have a brief question regarding the effect sizes:

I have a model with 4 IV and 1 DV, R² is 0.54. It showed that two of the paths are significant, but even these two paths only have effect sizes of 0.11 and 0.12. How can that be explained? Is it dependent on the measurement errors?

Thank you!

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Post by christian.nitzl »

Please check following post at the end for a possible answer:



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Re: f2 is greater than 1

Post by Theo2711 »

In my analysis I have one negative significant moderating effect and a non-significant one. The R² of the model with the moderating effects is 0.850 as opposed to R² of 0.2108 in the model without the interaction effects. This leads to an effect size of over 4. Is this still possible? And according to Cohen 1998 who stated that the definition of a high effect size could be different in different fields?

I would appreciate an answer.

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Re: f2 is greater than 1

Post by jmbecker »

That sounds very strange. Effects sizes of moderating effects are usually quite small. Do you use the f² effect size from the SmartPLS output or a self-calculated one?
Dr. Jan-Michael Becker, BI Norwegian Business School, SmartPLS Developer
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Re: f2 is greater than 1

Post by StevenGregory »

Hey Guys i'm a beginner user
i want to ask about my result f2 result it shown that my result is 1.336, is it still really considered as strong value?
because some of the people says that the f2 square value cannot exceed 1 for SmartPLS criterion of f2
and is there any statement by Cohen about this case that f2 value is still okey when the value is greater than 1
Thank you very much.
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Re: f2 is greater than 1

Post by Abdulqader »

I got high numbers for f2 such as 12, 13, and one of them reached 413. Is that normal?

I am using a moderating model.
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