MGA with 6 groups, calculation stays at 0% (SmartPLS 3)

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MGA with 6 groups, calculation stays at 0% (SmartPLS 3)

Post by Agnes »

Dear all,
I have an urgent issue (I read a lot in this forum but I didnt found the answer):

I tried to do a multigroup analysis with smart pls. First I generated six groups based on one variable (different ads to which the participants have been exposed to). Than I tried three different approaches; none of them worked:

1. calculate- bootstrapping - Data groups- calculation (runs and runs with no real result; stays at 0%)

2. calculate- PLS algorithm- Data groups (select all) - calculation (seems to finish but in the Model when I switch from complete to another group I see just questionmarks in black boxes)

3. calculate- MGA- select all groups (Same error like in 1.) - runs and Stays just at 0%)

I also tried to change the data file (e.g. Left all missing values blank, or added-9 as missing value). I entered -9 also in SmartPLS as the missing value indicator.

Thanks a lot for your help!!!
Best regards
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Re: MGA with 6 groups, calculation stays at 0% (SmartPLS 3)

Post by Agnes »

I just figured it out: there have been to many missing values in the data file.
Therefore I guess the mean value replacement didnt work.
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Re: MGA with 6 groups, calculation stays at 0% (SmartPLS 3)

Post by cringle »

Thanks. If you have too many missing values, your data often is a problem. In that case, sometimes, you may not use empty cells in your dataset but use -9999 to indicate missing data. Then, the missing value replacement option usually works fine.

Best regards
Christian Ringle