Two ways to unstandardise path coefficients?

Questions about the implementation and application of the PLS-SEM method, that are not related to the usage of the SmartPLS software.
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Two ways to unstandardise path coefficients?

Post by johann »

I have been told that there are two ways to unstandardise the path coefficients.
The first is to use the Smartpls output the LV scores unstandardised and run a simple linear regression

The second is to use Smartpls output outer weights (ow) for each LV and then calculate

Βetaunstandardised = (∑ owe/se / ∑ owx/sx) * Betastandardised (PLS)

owe , se are outer weights and standardev. (from the orginal data) for the endogenous LV
owx , sx are outer weights and std. for the exogenous LV

Which one should a use, I get two different solutions? Can somebody clear things out for me?
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