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Table of contents from bootstrapping re-sampling

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:57 pm
by iris_afandiphd
Hi Everyone,

I would like to assess the structural model via path coefficients. The bootstrap re-sampling technique (Chin,1998) was used by 500 iterations of the original 248 samples.

After finished the BT analysis, I got the HTML Report as below:


My Question is, Which one of the report in that table of content suitable for checking path coefficient significance?. Do I need to calculate t-statistics = path coefficient / S.E?, for testing significance at p<0.05,p<0.01 or p<0.001.

which column shows the path coefficient

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:47 pm
by Diogenes
Hi Brisbane,

You should notice that the table “Path coefficients (Mean, STDEV, t-Values)” has these columns: Original Sample (O), Sample Mean (M), Standard Deviation (STDEV), Standard Error (STERR), T Statistics (|O/STERR|).

The first column has the path coefficients that were computed with all sample, they are the same values when you ran the PLS algorithm.

The last column are the t-values (t > 1.96 are significant at 5%), these values are showed in the model too.

The others columns are intermediate calculations to have the t-value in the last column.

Best regards,


Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:19 pm
by iris_afandiphd
Dear Prof. Bido,

Many thanks for your advice. I'm really appreciating it.

Yes, just realized that the t-value calculated as the same t statistics from Z population, according to basic statistics.

t= sample/S.E

How to calculate p-value? from coeff. table?

How about degree of freedom?, I found it via this URL


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:43 am
by Diogenes
d.f. = n - 1 (n = number of resamples in the bootstrap)

you could use the p-value calculator that you had quoted

or Excel --> see viewtopic.php?p=3797&highlight=#3797

Best regards,
