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Higher-order constructs model analysis

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:51 pm
by alsharafi
I have a model contain 3 variables X, Y, and Z.
    Variable X is a second-order construct contain from 3 formative variables X1, X2, and X3 (Type 4: formative-formative).
      Variable Y is a reflective construct and mediates the relationship between variables X and Z.
        Variable Z is a second-order construct contain from 2 reflective variables (Type 2: reflective-formative).
        H1: X has a positive effect on Z
        H1a: X1 has a positive effect on Z
        H1b: X2 has a positive effect on Z
        H1c: X3 has a positive effect on Z

        H2: X has a positive effect on Y
        H2a: X1 has a positive effect on Y
        H2b: X2 has a positive effect on Y
        H2c: X3 has a positive effect on Y
        H3: Y has a positive effect on Z

        H4: Y mediates the relationship between X and Z

        1) Can a formative second-order construct be established?
        2) Can we employ the 2nd stage to analyze the HOC model? how can we test the sub-hypotheses in the model?
        Could you please guide me on how to conduct the analysis of this model and how to report the measurement and structural model?